About Me

My photo
Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm a Vietnam Vet, Retired Mainframe Programmer, Retired College Adjunct Teacher, Published Author, Adult Boy Scout Leader, Republican, Jewish, married with two magnificent grown kids.

It's that time again

The semester is almost over. I have to:
  • grade papers, [Done]
  • write tests, [Done]
  • grade tests [Done]
  • finish a freelance project that's hanging over my head, [Into the Editor]
  • Get my syllabi ready for next semester
  • Do some long overdue maintenance on my computer
  • Re-build the Flomblog
To those of you who come by and look for any new entries, I doubt I'll get anything done, blog wise, before early January. So, in short let me wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Wonderful Festivus, and any other holiday I missed.

I sincerely hope that 2008 C.E. will bring peace, prosperity and Republican leadership to the government.

Happy New Year as well

Howie "The Flomblog" Flomberg