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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm a Vietnam Vet, Retired Mainframe Programmer, Retired College Adjunct Teacher, Published Author, Adult Boy Scout Leader, Republican, Jewish, married with two magnificent grown kids.

In my opinion, the man's a whore

Today's Newsmax Former President William Jefferson Clinton professed his backing for Louis Farrakhan. Mr. Farrakhan is an admitted antisemetic and rascist.

By refusing to stand against Mr Farrakhan, Clinton is aligning himself with the most degrading person on the national stage.

Note this statement about Mr. Farakhan:

Farrakhan has caused problems for the Jews of America, as has Khallid Abdul Muhammed. Farrakhan calls Jews "bloodsuckers," and he justifies that remark by saying that they "suck the life from you to sustain their life." In an interview with Time magazine, he said that "in the '20s and '30s and '40s, up into the '50s, the Jews were the primary merchants in the black community. Wherever we were, they were. . . . We bought food from them; we bought clothes from them. . . . So if they made a profit from us, then from our life they drew life and came to strength. They turned it over to the Arabs, the Koreans and others, who are there now doing what? Sucking the lifeblood of our own community." In the past, Farrakhan has also called Judaism a "gutter religion" and accused Jewish doctors of injecting the AIDS virus into black babies, and in a January 24 speech at a Harlem armory he said, "We know that the Jews are the most organized, rich and powerful people, not only in America, but in the world. They're plotting against us as we speak."

Apparently Mr. Clinton is more concerned about his image than a moral stand! I repeat -- The man is a whore