About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm a Vietnam Vet, Retired Mainframe Programmer, Retired College Adjunct Teacher, Published Author, Adult Boy Scout Leader, Republican, Jewish, married with two magnificent grown kids.

My next project

It occurs to me that ope of the biggest problems I face in my classroom is communications with my students. I'm amazed by the number of people who are not geeks - am I in the minority?

Anyhow I hit on the Idea - A blog is a relatively technology free way to get information out. I'm teaching two classes this semester (summer) and I am in the process of setting up blogs to use check flomberg.com and you'll see links.

I also have started teaching a seminar to the faculty at Community College of Denver. Reception has been positive.

I just finished reading Hugh Hewitt's excellent book "Blog". I'm excited and full of ideas.

If anyone out there has any exoperience in this end of Blogging, let me know?
